Jesus Appears to the Disciples
Theme: Jesus Appears to the Disciples
Scripture: Luke 24:36b-48
Get Ready: Click here to get your complete supply list for this lesson.
The Children’s Sermon
You’ll Need:
● Small logs
● A flashlight
Get Ready: Use the wood to make a pretend campfire.
Do This:
SAY: I remember going on camping trips when I was young. One of my family’s
favorite activities on those trips was sitting around a campfire at night and telling
ghost stories. (Gather the children around the campfire, turn out the lights, and shine
the flashlight on your face.) And as I listened, I told myself over and over, "There’s
no such thing as a ghost." But that didn’t keep some of those stories from scaring
the daylights out of me. I often found it hard to go to sleep later that night.
Now, that might seem like a strange way to begin a Bible lesson, but even in Bible
times, some people believed in ghosts and were afraid of them. Listen to an
example from the Bible.
It begins after two men had travelled on a long road, to a town called Emmaus.
They talked about Jesus’ death and all that had happened. As they walked, they
were joined by a man. They didn’t realize it at first, but it was Jesus! After Jesus
revealed himself to them, they went straight back to Jerusalem and told Jesus’
As they told the disciples they’d seen Jesus, He suddenly appeared among them!
He said to them, "Peace be with you." Knowing He’d died, they thought He was a
ghost! The Bible says that they were terrified and filled with fear. (Have kids make
their most terrified faces.)
So Jesus asked them, "Why are you troubled, and why do doubts arise in your
hearts? Look at my hands. Look at my feet. (Hold out your hands and feet like Jesus
did). You can see that it’s really me. Touch me and make sure that I am not a ghost,
because ghosts don’t have bodies, as you see that I do."
Still the disciples weren’t sure what to think, so Jesus asked them for something
to eat. As He ate some fish, they watched. And it showed them He wasn’t a ghost
because a ghost doesn't need food.
The disciples realized Jesus had come back to life, and they spent the next month
or so with Him. After Jesus returned back to heaven, those same disciples went all
over the world, telling about Jesus’ crucifixion, His death, and His resurrection.
They never stopped telling about what happened.
You and I have been called to tell others about Jesus, just like those disciples. We
must be a witness for Jesus, too. We must tell the world that Jesus is alive.
PRAY: God, we serve a risen Savior. He is alive! Help us to be witnesses of what He
has done in our lives. In Jesus' name, amen.
Is It Jesus or a Ghost?
You’ll Need:
● “Is It Jesus or a Ghost?” video
● Something to play the video
Do This:
Show them the video.
● What do you think you might say to the two guys who didn’t realize they had
been with Jesus?
● If you were one of those guys, how would you tell your friends about what
● Is it easy for you to believe Jesus is alive? Why or why not?
Footprint Snacks
You’ll Need:
● Nutter Butter cookies - two per child
● Frosting
● Small M&Ms
● Paper plates - one per child
● Napkins - one per child
Do This:
Follow these steps to make the “Footprint Snacks”:
● Give each child a paper plate, napkin, and two Nutter Butter cookies.
● Instruct kids to dip the end of each cookie in some frosting and then put five
mini M&Ms at the end of the nutter butter to look like toes.
● Enjoy.
● If you got to go on a walk with Jesus, what would you want to talk to Him
● What questions would you ask Jesus?
SAY: In today’s lesson, we learn that some disciples got to walk with Jesus on a
road called Emmaus. But guess what? They did not know it was Jesus. They would
have never expected Jesus because they had seen Him crucified. It was not until
after they were eating with Him later that they realized who He was. They were so
surprised that Jesus was alive!
Jesus Rocks
You’ll Need:
● Garden rocks - one per child
● Paint
● Paintbrushes - one per child
● Cups of water - one for every few kids
Do This:
To make the “Jesus Rocks,” have kids follow these steps:
● Give each child a rock, paint, and a paintbrush.
● Invite kids to decorate their rocks but make sure they paint the name JESUS
largely across the rock.
● Allow these to dry.
● Jesus brings hope! Who are some people you know that could use some
hope right now?
● How is Jesus like a rock for us and those people who need hope?
SAY: Great job on your Jesus rocks. Now I am going to challenge you to take your
rock with you and hide it somewhere like in a park or at a playground. Then pray
that someone who needs to be reminded about Jesus will find your rock.
Complete Supply List:
● Small logs
● A flashlight
● “Is It Jesus or a Ghost?” video
● Something to play the video
● Nutter Butter cookies - two per child
● Frosting
● Small M&Ms
● Paper plates - one per child
● Napkins - one per child
● Garden rocks - one per child
● Paint
● Paintbrushes - one per child
● Cups of water - one for every few kids
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