Jesus Cleans the Temple
Theme: Jesus cleans the temple.
Scripture: John 2:13-22
Get Ready: Click here to get your complete supply list for this lesson.
The Children’s Sermon
You’ll Need:
● A broom
● Paper towels
● Window cleaner
● A mop
Do This:
SAY: Mops, brooms, and window cleaner...what do we use these things for?
(Pause.) We use them when we clean houses. Do you ever help your parents clean
your house? (Pause.)
Let’s see how good you are at pretending to clean. When I hold up the broom,
stand up and pretend to sweep the floor. (Demonstrate the motion.) When I hold up
the paper towels and window spray, pretend to spray and scrub a window.
(Demonstrate the motion.) When I hold up the mop, stay seated and pretend to use
a mop in circles to clean the floor. (Demonstrate the motion.)
Hold up each item several times, sometimes repeating the same item twice in a row.
Play until kids get tired.
How do you know it's time to clean house? Here are some signs that will let you
● It’s time to clean house when your feet stick to the floor when you walk
through the kitchen.
● It’s time to clean house when your mother can't find you when she comes
into your room to wake you up in the morning.
● It’s time to clean house when the kids in the neighborhood use their fingers
to write "wash me" in the dirt on your windows.
● It’s time to clean house when there are more dishes in the kitchen sink than
there are in the cabinets.
● It’s time to clean house when you have enough dust bunnies under your bed
to start a bunny farm.
I think you get the idea! Today we’re going to learn about a time Jesus did some
house cleaning. It was time for the annual Passover celebration, so Jesus traveled
to Jerusalem. When He went to the temple, He couldn't believe what He saw.
People were selling cattle, sheep, and doves to be used as sacrifices in the
temple. Some men were even charging people to change their money so they
could pay their temple taxes. It looked more like a flea market than a place to
worship God.
Jesus was so angry that He made a whip from rope and drove the cattle, sheep,
and those who were selling them out of the temple. He also turned over the money
changers’ tables. To the ones who were selling the doves, He said, "Get out of
here! How dare you turn my Father's house into a market!" Jesus did some serious
house cleaning that day!
As we think about Jesus cleansing the temple, we can also be reminded that there
is some other cleaning that needs to be done. The Bible tells us that we are the
temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in us (1 Corinthians 3:16). This season
of Lent is a good time for us to think about how our hearts might need cleansing.
PRAY: God, help us to remember that we are Your temple and that Your Spirit lives
in us. Help us to keep our lives clean and useful for service to You. In Jesus' name,
What It’s Made For
You’ll Need:
● “What It Was Made For” video lesson
● Something to play the video
Do This:
Show them the video.
● What was wrong with the music box?
● What was wrong with the temple before Jesus cleaned it?
● What’s good about things being used for what they were made for?
● What new thing might you do now at church?
SAY: The music box was supposed to play music but when it was dirty, it could not
be what it was made for. In the Bible, we learned that Jesus wanted the temple or
the church to be used for what it was made for. The church was made for praying
and worshipping God.
Temple Snacks
You’ll Need:
● Large and small pretzel sticks
● Large and small marshmallows
● Paper plates - one per child
Do This:
Follow these steps to make the Temple Snacks:
● Give each child a paper plate, some pretzel sticks, and some marshmallows.
● Invite kids to construct a temple out of their pretzel sticks and marshmallows.
● Enjoy.
SAY: Great job making temple snacks out of pretzel sticks and marshmallows.
● As we think back on today’s lesson, what seemed most important to you of
the things Jesus cleaned?
● Why are those things the most important?
Temple Key Craft
You’ll Need:
● “Key Handout” printed on cardstock - one per child
● Binder rings - one per child
● A hole punch
● Scissors
● Markers
Do This:
To make the “Temple Key” crafts, have kids follow these steps:
● Instruct the children to cut out several keys from the “Key Handout.”
● On each key, invite children to write something important that we can do in our
church. For example, one key can say worship, another key can say praise,
another key can say sing, another key can say pray, and so on.
● Next, children will punch a hole in the top of each key.
● Give each child a binder ring to put their Temple Keys onto and take home to
hang on their wall.
SAY: Jesus was not happy about what was going on in the temple. He wanted to
make a point that the temple is a place of worship. Take these keys with you to
remind you of the real reason for going to church.
Complete Supply List:
● A broom
● Paper towels
● Window cleaner
● A mop
● “What It Was Made For” video lesson
● Something to play the video
● Large and small pretzel sticks
● Large and small marshmallows
● Paper plates - one per child
● “Key Handout” printed on cardstock - one per child
● Binder rings - one per child
● A hole punch
● Scissors
● Markers
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