Weekly E-News for Friday, July 19, 2019

Weekly E-News for Friday, July 19, 2019

Dear Friends,

Tomorrow marks the 50th anniversary of the moon landing. Many who were alive in July of 1969 have memories of gathering around the television set to see the lunar lander on the surface of the moon. Late in the night, Neil Armstrong climbed out of the lunar lander and set foot on the moon. "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." Those are the words we heard as he placed his foot on the moon’s surface. Later Buzz Aldrin joined him on the moon. Mike Collins orbited the moon in the command module. And the whole world listened and watched. Humankind had done something amazing. We had walked on the moon.

Mike Collins provides the voice for a cute Google Doodle for the day. He tells his story about the Apollo 11 mission. He reminds us that it took many people to make the moon landing happen. Over 400,000 is the number he gives. There were engineers, technicians, people who sewed the space suits, people who built the rockets and more. When the Apollo 11 crew toured the world after returning home, people would shout “We did it.” This was a mission which brought together all the people of earth in joyous celebration.

In a world marked by so much division, it is inspiring to know that there are moments that can bring us together in joy and hope. Let us pray to God that we may be united together in love and caring and joyous celebration again.


We are praying for Simon, Howard, Julia, Ahna, Mike, Josh, Priscilla, Duane, Janet, Grandpa David, Floyd, Dorothy, Jacob, Jenny, Ann, Dale, Gayle, Jim, Don, Cheryl, Dustin, Pat, Richard, Student with eating disorder, Tate, Patricia, Roland, Maryann, Amanda, Virginia, Matthew, Tom, Naomi, Carolyn, Vic, Velma C, Jennelle, Charlie, James, Rick, Christy, Reagan, Kim, Libby’s daughter in law, Lee, Kevin, Gaylynn, Liz’s sister in law, Naomi, Brenda, Jim, Nathan, Jason, Cheryl, Daniel, Betty, Dax, Della, Carter, Lori’s mom who has cancer, Jock, Nancy, Pat, Malachi and Karen, Weeda, Carolyn., Dave, Ellen, Shirley, Megan, Mary, Karen, Paul, Hal, Richard, Crystal, Edie, Paula, Jim, Jeff, Jim, Robin’s friend, Truit, Brett and Danielle. Joy: Lion’s Foundation Fundraiser.


Happenings at St. Peter’s UCC

•             Sunday, July 21

o             9am Worship

o             2pm Gasconade Manor Worship

•             Monday, July 22

o             8am Tube Loop Trip for Youth

•             Wednesday, July 24

o             12:30 Quilters and Crafters

•             Thursday, July 25

o             10:30 to 12:30 Upper Room Store

o             2-6pm Ice Cream Stand at Gasconade County Fair, please sign up in the back of the sanctuary, by replying to this message or online at http://www.stpetersowensville.com/volunteer_at_the_fair_ice_cream_stand

•             Sunday, July 28

o             9am Worship



•             Youth Tube Loop Trip to Ozark Outdoors on Monday, July 22. Meet at 8am to carpool. Cost $20. Bring a lunch and something to drink. For more information go to  https://ozarkoutdoorsresort.com/ .

•             Please sign up to serve in the Ice Cream Stand at the Gasconade County Fair on Thursday, July 25 from 2-6pm. You can reply to this message, sign up in the back of the sanctuary or sign up on our website at http://www.stpetersowensville.com/volunteer_at_the_fair_ice_cream_stand.

God loves you and so do we at St. Peter’s UCC,

Pastor Stephanie



Reverend Stephanie DeLong

St. Peter’s UCC

Owensville, MO

573-437-2779 church

573-832-2475 cell


