Worship at Home for Setpember 10

Dear Friends,

This Sunday is Rally Day which is a celebration of Christian Education at St. Peter’s. All generations, friends and family are invited to celebrate at the Picnic in Luster Park (across from the church) at 4pm. Thank you to the Dorcas for organizing this event.

If you would like a home visit, conversation, or home communion, please call me at 573-437-2779 (church) or 573-832-2475 (cell).

  • Church Directory Updates may be made by checking the directory on the table in the back of the sanctuary.
  • Rally Day/Sunday School begins on Sunday, September 10
  • All Church Picnic on Sunday, September 10 at 4pm in Luster Park. Bring a lawn chair to sit in, a dish to share and drinks for you and your family. Hamburgers, hot dogs, buns, ketchup, mustard, relish, and paper products will be provided.
  • Monday: Church Council Meeting at 6:30pm
  • Tuesday: Pastoral Relations Committee Meeting at 6:30pm
  • Wednesday: Handbell Practice at 4:15pm, Choir Practice at 7pm
  • Stewardship Sunday and Apple Butter Making on September 24
  • There is a 9/11 Potluck Lunch at the Owensville VFW on Sunday, September 10 at 1pm


Pastor Stephanie DeLong

Scripture: Exodus 12:1-14 and Psalm 149 • • Romans 13:8-14 • Matthew 18:15-20

Sermon: Learning from One Another

This day shall be a day of remembrance for you. You shall celebrate it as a festival to the Lord; throughout your generations you shall observe it as a perpetual ordinance. Exodus 12:14

The lesson from Exodus for this Sunday instructs the Hebrews concerning Passover. One of the last instructions sets this day as one of remembrance to be observed through the generations. Jews through out the world continue to celebrate the Passover with their families and one another. The tradition has continued over thousands of years in many different places and ever-changing circumstances.

This Sunday we will recognize the importance of Christian Education. Christian Education carries on the work and tradition of instructing children, youth, and adults about the Christian faith. Teaching about the Christian faith ensures that the faith will continue from one generation to the next. It is our responsibility to keep that faith alive by educating children, youth and adults concerning the life of Jesus, theology, and the rituals. Jesus said do this in remembrance of me when he instituted the sacrament of Communion. We must keep remembering Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. How we do this may change, but keeping the Chrisian faith alive is imperative.

Think for a moment about who taught you about the Christian faith? Your parents may have taught you. It may have been a beloved Sunday School Teacher. It may have been a moment at Church Camp. It may have been during a youth retreat, Bible Study or during Sunday Worship. The importance of Christian Education in the life of the church cannot be underestimated. The way the faith is taught may change with each generation, but it is imperative that it continue to be taught.

We are truly thankful for all those people who commit to teaching the faith. I am grateful for Janet, Angie, Carol, Jean, Sarah, Judy and all the others who have helped with teaching and youth activities at St. Peter’s. They are part of the long line of saints who have shared the faith for generations. Thank you!

Christian Education is not just for the young. Learning about our faith is a lifelong adventure. Sharing our faith is for all generations. Intergenerational learning is important. The Passover celebration was centered around the family. Each family was to have a lamb. If the family is small, then two families are to share a lamb for supper. All are sharing and learning together.

My hope is that St. Peter’s will expand our understanding of Christian Education to be intergenerational. Christian Education does not stop with Confirmation. During Lent this year multiple generations learned and worshiped together. Hopefully we can keep doing this. My challenge for you today is to share the faith with one another. We can all learn from each other as we keep the faith alive from generation to generation. Like the Hebrews who have kept the story of Passover alive for thousands of years, let us be a part of the chain of faithful Christians who share the story of Jesus’ God’s Son and our Savior.

Prayer: God may we share the stories of Jesus with one another so that it may change lives for many generations to come. Amen.

Prayer list: All who have been on our list for a while, Mark’ s brother Billy, Delores W., Tyra, Freya, Vicki B., Barb Z., Jesse, Heath, Tammy. Tammy Vickie’s niece, Jennifer, Richard, Tamara, John, Dixon’s great granddaughter, Ashlely and Cody, Garth, Patty, Linda, Tessa, and all who are in need that we do not know about. If you know of anyone who would like a prayer shawl, please let us know.

Special prayers for the family of Rita Horstmann who passed away last week.