Worship at Home for Sunday, August 27

Dear Friends,

Students are back in school. The Owensville Water Park closed for the year last Sunday afternoon. The summer activity season is over, but the weather is as hot as ever! God promises us a garden in the desert in Isaiah 51. God empowers us to live a generous life, even during the hottest days of summer.

If you would like a home visit, conversation, or home communion, please call me at 573-437-2779 (church) or 573-832-2475 (cell).

  • The Christmas in July Tree with ornaments is in the back of the sanctuary. Please select an ornament with an item to purchase for the December Advent Tea. Then bring your donation for the Advent Tea supplies and place it under the tree. Thank you!
  • Church workdays on Thursday, August 24 beginning at 4pm and Saturday, August 25 beginning at 9am.
  • Sundae Sunday at Zion Lutheran after worship on Sunday, August 27, we are invited.
  • Choir Practice on Wednesday, August 30 at 6:30pm
  • St. Peter’s will be participating in the Community Wide Garage Sale by having a Basement Sale from September 7, 8 and 9th. We will need volunteers to help from 9am to 5pm. Talk to Kaye West, Vickie Mayberry and/or Carol Nowack, if you could help any day or anytime. Thank you!
  • All Church Picnic on Sunday, September 10 at 4pm.


Pastor Stephanie DeLong

Scripture: Isaiah 51:1-6 and Psalm 138 • Romans 12:1-8 • Matthew 16:13-20

Sermon: Generous Life

Listen to me, you that pursue righteousness, you that seek the LORD. Look to the rock from which you were hewn, and to the quarry from which you were dug. Isaiah 51:1 New Revised Standard Version

Sometimes we need to be reminded who and whose we are. When Isaiah reminds the people of Israel to look to the rock from which they were hewn, he calls upon them to to look to Abraham. Abraham who was called to follow and serve God. Abraham from whom a great nation descended, and the nations of the world would be saved. Abraham was not perfect, but Abraham was faithful.

Like those Israelites, we need to look to the rock form which we are hewn. The founders of this congregation of faith, chose the name St. Peter’s to recognize that they are hewn from the rock upon which Jesus built his church.

And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it. Matthew16:18, New Revised Standard Version

Peter answered Jesus’ question, “Who do you say that I am?” with “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” (Matthew 16:15-16) This is why Jesus declared that he would build his church on Peter, the rock. (This is a fun play on words as Peter’s name in Cephas sounds like the word for rock.)

Peter proclaimed that Jesus is the Messiah and made the foundation of his faith on the rock that Jesus is Lord. When we are hewn from such a solid rock as Peter, we can boldly claim that Jesus is the Messiah. We then live lives that bear out that claim. Lives that proclaim Jesus is the Messiah and Lord. These are lives lived in hope and generosity.

Isaiah was written for people who experienced the downfall of their kingdom and who needed encouragement to live generously in faith. Peter’s life was not easy, but he persisted in faith and sharing the Gospel. We are living in a time when the church is not the center of community that it once was. Did Isaiah counsel despair? No! Did persecution stop Peter? No! Do we stop being a faithful community of believers just because our culture has changed? No!

Instead of dwelling on what was, we look to what could be. We let go of the past and seek the promised future that God has in store for us. We do not live with a mindset of scarcity, but in the expectation of God’s provision for us. God transforms the deserts of life to the joys of Eden. God strengthens us in difficult times. God gives us hope of a better life. God empowers us for a generous life.

Because of you our church changes lives. This is true, because of your generosity and support St. Peter’s UCC changes lives. This week take a moment to write down the ways that St. Peter’s has changed lives, including your own. When we really think about it, the list is long. Take time to share your list with someone and let them know about the generous life of St. Peter’s UCC.

Prayer: God remind us that our lives our hewn from the solid rock of faith in Jesus. Help us to live a generous life. Amen.

Prayer list: All who have been on our list for a while, Mark’s brother Billy, Delores W., Tyra, Freya, Vicki B., Barb Z., Jesse, Heath, Tammy. Tammy Vickie’s niece, Jennifer, Richard, Tamara, John, Dixon’s great granddaughter, Ashlely and Cody, Garth, Patty, Linda, Mike, Judy and all who are in need that we do not know about. If you know of anyone who would like a prayer shawl, please let us know.