Dear Friends,
This Sunday the Dorcas will be donating flowers to be shared with all the women of the church in honor of Mother’s Day. We will also be honoring our Owensville High School Graduates, Anya Binkhoelter and Luis DeLong. Our worship theme will be that Jesus prays for us.
If you would like a home visit, conversation, or home communion, please call me at 573-437-2779 (church).
- Church Council meeting on Monday at 6pm.
- Baccalaureate Service at OHS at 7pm.
- Pastor Stephanie’s Farewell Service will be on Sunday, May 19th. Farewell Open House from 11:30-1:30.
- The Scenic Regional Library is sponsoring a grave cleaning event in the St. Peter’s Cemetery on Saturday, June 8. Register at the library.
Pastor Stephanie DeLong
Scripture: Acts 1:1-11 • Psalm 1 • 1 John 5:9-13 • John 17:6-19
Sermon: Fulfilled
In John 17:6-19, Jesus prays for his disciples. In John 17:20-26, Jesus prays for all believers, including us. Jesus prays knowing that in short while that he and the disciples will all leave the upper room to go out into the world where Jesus will be arrested, tried, crucified, buried, resurrected, and finally ascend to be with the Father in heaven. Jesus prays that his disciples will be given all the spiritual strength and power that he was given. Jesus prays that the disciples will be protected against the evil powers of this world. Jesus prays for us too.
Jesus prayers for us knowing that he will not be physically present with us in this world. Jesus prayers for us knowing that we will need to be given gifts of strength to live lives of faith. Jesus prayers for us knowing that we will need to be protected from the evils that may destroy us and distract us from living as faithful followers. Jesus prayers for us knowing that the kingdom will be fulfilled through us as it was fulfilled through the disciples and will be fulfilled by generations to come. Jesus prayers for us…
I chose to include the passage from Acts chapter one in which tells about the 40 days which Jesus spend on earth after his resurrection. During this time, many people saw the resurrected Christ. Jesus also promised the power of the Holy Spirit for his followers. On the 40th day Jesus was taken up into heaven until a cloud hid him from their sight. Ten days after this the Holy Spirit came on Pentecost which we will celebrate next Sunday.
After Jesus ascended into the heaven, the disciples continued to stare up into the sky in amazement. Then a couple of men dressed in white asked them why they just stood there looking into the sky. Hint, your work is here on earth now. Jesus had told his followers that he would be leaving and now he is gone. The disciples were to continue Jesus’ work in this world. Through the disciples and each succeeding generation of believers Jesus’ mission and ministry is fulfilled. This is what Jesus had been praying about and continues to pray for us. That we will be given the power and protection to continue his work in this world which often does not want us.
Today we celebrate our high school graduates, mothers and women who have cared for us. I am a mother to Luis and a Pastor to Anya. As I see them graduating from high school and moving on to their next stage in life, I do so with feelings of joy and trepidation in my heart. I am thankful and glad that they have completed their four years of high school. I know that both will be graduating with honors on Friday night in the Owensville High School gymnasium. I know that the world is both a wonderful and fearful place.
So, I am praying for them from the depths of my heart that they will make use of the gifts that they have been given and that God will protect them from the evils of this world. I am praying for them like every parent, teacher, pastor, and friend has prayed for those they have loved, taught, trained, and raised.
Jesus prayed for his disciples and for us like this. Even Jesus felt all those emotions that all of us who are leaving or sending forth those who have been a part of our lives pray. Prayers for the gifts and protections that they need.
As I will be leaving St. Peter’s in a couple of weeks to pursue my retirement plans, I pray for all of you. I pray that you will be able to use and enjoy the gifts that God has given you. I pray that God will protect you from the dangers that lurk in this world. I pray that God will find you a wonderful new pastor to serve this loving community of faith. I pray that Jesus’ ministry will be fulfilled in you.
Prayers: Jesus thank you for praying for me. Amen.
Prayer list: All who have been on our list for a while, Mark’ s brother Billy, Tyra, Freya, Vicki B., Barb Z., Jesse, Tammy. Jennifer, Richard, Tamara, John, Dixon’s daughter, Ashlely and Cody, Garth, Linda, Tessa, Carl, Kimbra, Liz’s father, Dannie, Lathe, Marilyn, Kris, Lee Ann, Bob, Diane, Linda, Keetha, Carly, Mia (Good news, she is healing.), Brenda, David, Dave, Jeff, Bill & Kathleen, Bill with cancer, Nancy and Pat, Son-in-law of friends for Diann K., baby Claire. Janet, Karen, Karen N. Edie, Judy, Tom, Mike, Larry, Darlene, Terry, Dan.